Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well I uploaded all these pictures the other day but now I actually get a moment to write in some captions. Today was also the first day of Lucian's Pre-School, I dropped him off and he did great. I can't wait to go and pick him up to see how his first day went.

Miss Nevarra waiting to meet her Grandpa John.

Grandpa John and Nana Leigh come to visit!

Spray Park.

And this was probably the only time Mikhail really touched the water at the spray park all summer.

At Baba's.

Nevarra's first night in her room and her crib.
April's birthday party.

Lucian's swimming lessons.

Visiting Angela and Daylen.
Day at the park.

Lucian got busted playing in the fire pit. Now that we moved it to the other side of the yard it is a sneaky place to go.

Stephy meets Nevarra!!!

Family visit!
Great Great Grandma Lula, one of Nevarra's namesakes.

Well I am off to pick Lucian up from Pre-School.
I hope to get another blog up of July pictures before the week is through so stay tuned.