Thursday, August 12, 2010

The month of June.

Trina comes to meet Onyx.

Baba got the kids 2 sand tables. After we set them up it rained for days so eventually I just let them out in the rain to play because they were so upset that they were "never" going to get to play with them.

Onyx has her first bath.

Babies make Brandon very sleepy.

Jaxon's Birthday Party.

Birthday Cake!!

"Why are these damn socks always on my hands?"

cheesy but so cute

Some of you may know that my Grandfather passed away on the 18th of June. Me and my momma had to head to BC to pick him up and get things taken care of. :(
The pictures that follow are of our time in BC and Onyx's first trip. She is also the first of my children to fly on a plane.
I would also like to extend a big huge THANK YOU to Grandma Laurie who was able to come out to Calmar and watch the clan while I went to BC.

This is where I am going to build my dream home!! Right on the left hand side of that lake!!

Onyx's first night in a hotel room.

We took a day to enjoy the weather and Harrison.

Visited the the Grandparents.

It was a very long week and what seemed like even a longer drive home. From Hinton Onyx had just had enough of everything and she screamed the rest of the way to Calmar.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Welcoming Onyx

At 4:00 am on June 2 2010 entering into a beautiful sunny Wednesday morning. I awoke with a confused feeling that I might have had a contraction. Feeling that I also could have dreamt it I just turned over and tried to get some more sleep. A few moments later I awoke to another pain that I was pretty sure was a contraction. So up and to the bathroom I made my way. I started to walk around the house to see if contractions would keep coming and sure enough they did. I decided to wait until Brandon’s alarm for work went off at 5am before letting him know. His alarm went off, I was sitting in the bed beside him and he started hitting me as if I were the snooze button. Not getting much result with hitting me he rolled over and hit his alarm.

I figured I had better give the midwife a call just to let her know that I was pretty sure I was heading into labour. She told me to get some rest, eat and just take it easy and call her when things started to progress. I waited until Brandon’s second alarm when off before I woke him, asking him why he was not up and getting ready for work. Hee hee He was really tired and said oh yeah I better get going. Just then I started getting another contraction and jumped up to sway on the edge of the bed. At that point he got a little surprised and asked, “Are you having contractions?” I told him I was pretty sure that’s what was happening. Then Brandon actually got back into bed and rolled over as if he was going to get to go back to sleep. LOL yeah right! I told him there was no way he was going back to bed and to get up now as we had to get ready.

So Brandon and I started to get ready for everyone and the baby to arrive. We gathered up all the birthing supplies and cleaned up the kitchen and dinning room area as it seemed like the best place to set up so early in the morning. Around 5:30am I went into the bedroom to lie down and take a moment after one of the contractions. I lay on the bed I totally relaxed, it took what seemed like a really long time before I got another contraction but when I did, oh my, was it a big one. At that moment I realized we needed to get our butts in gear and told Brandon we needed to start setting up the tub right now!! As it says it can take up to 2 hours to set up and fill.

We started getting everything figured out for the birthing tub and it seemed like my contractions were just getting stronger and closer together. I was starting to get contractions that I couldn’t talk through. I grabbed Brandon the phone and told him to call the midwives because it seemed like things were moving really fast, they told him they were on their way. Around 6:30am I was starting to get really emotional and I really wanted someone else there with me, Brandon was too concerned with cleaning and getting everything ready and I really need a support person, even if they just sat there and talked to me. I even yelled at Brandon for doing dishes, as this was not the time to be doing the dishes. I told Brandon to get on the phone and call Kelly, to tell her I really missed her and wanted her here with me.

Within what felt like an hour but must have only been about 20 – 30 minutes Kelly had arrived and the birthing tub was filled and almost warm enough for me to get into. I was trying to hold off on getting into the tub until the midwives had arrived but I just couldn’t hold off much longer so after a bit I just jumped in. It was amazing!! There is no greater relief in labour that a big warm tub of water!! Just then the midwives arrived.

Everything was falling into place but at the same time everything was starting to get crazy. My mother had come upstairs, all the kids were awake, Brandon and my mom were trying to get breakfast for the kids going, mom was trying to organize the dogs, and the midwives were setting up all of their equipment and supplies. It was maybe about 8:00am now and everyone was running around me and making me feel quite stressed and I just needed everyone to calm down and leave. I had heard about women in labour having their labour stop completely when their kids wake up. I defiantly didn’t not want be one of those women!

Within a few moments everyone calmed and mom took Lucian, Mikhail and all the dogs downstairs. Things were Zen again. Kelly was sitting on the kitchen couch and the midwives were sitting in the living room. My midwives had dimmed the lights and the contractions just started coming super close together and stronger with everyone. I remember Kelly leaving and Brandon arriving. I felt the need to push and as if my midwife had read my mind she told me to just go with my body and do what ever I felt my body needed of me. I did.

While I pushed I really only thought that my water would break, it didn’t While I pushed I could feel baby moving down the birth canal. Because I felt baby moving down, I flipped over so that I could catch the baby as I gave birth because after that first push I knew there was know denying that baby was on her way. The midwives and Brandon both realized we were having the baby. Everyone jumped into action. I yelled at Brandon to get the video camera and the midwife asked if we should call Kelly. Kelly came running and she switched Brandon off with the video camera so he could come and catch our baby. My amniotic sack still hadn’t broken and you could see a big bulge coming out where the babies head usually is. She was being born in her amniotic sack!! It is said to be very good luck. It took a second push to birth her head and then one more for her little body. At 8:35am baby Onyx Julia Jade had been born into her father’s hands and my arms. She was absolutely beautiful and all covered in sticky vernix. 4 ½ hours from start to finish and absolutely perfect. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. It was my best birthing experience ever and the perfect ending to the creation of our beautiful family of 6.

After Onyx was welcomed into the world and had turned a lovely shade of pink. After I had a good hour of basking in her beauty, I jumped in the shower quickly and came out to feed her. We were all in the living room relaxing and gushing over our gorgeous new addition. The best part of having Onyx at home was that we were able to include everyone in welcoming Onyx into our family. All the kids were around; Mikhail was so taken with his new “Baby Onyx”. Lucian was so happy to finally meet his new little sister but I believe he was even happier that all the moaning was over. Nevarra was completely interested with Onyx but also a bit confused, she didn’t really know what to make of her.

Our beautiful daughter Onyx Julia Jade was born at home on the morning of June 2, 2010, weighing in at 10.4 and 21 ¼ in. long, 10 fingers, 10 toes and absolutely perfect! She is an amazing addition to our beautiful family!

Onyx is now 2 months old and I seriously can not believe how fast the time is passing!! She has grown so big that I feel I am barely getting any small baby time. Not that she was all that small to begin with. ;)