Here is Lucian and Corbin having a little snack.

If I would have waited 2 seconds more on this picture they both were in a full on embrace. It was too cute!

Corbin was pretending that all my butterflies and bugs on the wall were monsters and spiders. He would keep running and hiding behind the couch.

We went to Peace River for Easter. We only visited Bink and his family while we were there. It was so much fun to get out and take Lucian over there. Sara kept calling Lucian, "hey boy".
Binky and Sara look so cute!

Brandon and I got to take a walk right after Easter dinner, and we needed it.
This is Lucian on the way back from Peace River.
Well we had thought winter was over but just after Easter we got another big snowfall, so Lucian and I decided to run out and play in it.

As you can kinda tell, Lucian does not love snow. LOL

Well I guess that is all for this blog. I will try to post the rest of the pictures in another blog soon. It was my nieces first birthday on April 21, so I have some pictures from her party that I need to post up. Lucian had a blast playing with all of the other children. There were 5 children all between the ages of 1 and 2. Plus we had 3 pregnant ladies there so by the time it is Emma's birthday next year, the children will have almost doubled.

Well I guess that is all for this blog. I will try to post the rest of the pictures in another blog soon. It was my nieces first birthday on April 21, so I have some pictures from her party that I need to post up. Lucian had a blast playing with all of the other children. There were 5 children all between the ages of 1 and 2. Plus we had 3 pregnant ladies there so by the time it is Emma's birthday next year, the children will have almost doubled.
aww too cute!
Grandma Geara is so happy to have more pics.
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