YAY me!!!
Now I would say that is some excellent blogging work on my part. I can't believe I got another month done in a day. Now all I have to do is find some time later this week or next to get to all of October happenings. We just finished up all the Halloween stuff, cleaned up the last of it today. So sad!! I wish it could have lasted longer. It is my most favorite time of the year.
Today is a day for finishing up and organizing. What with all the work that keeps piling up I think I am going to have to start scheduling days in order to get everything done before the little one arrives. As for finding out what the sex happens to be of our little one well they just wouldn't tell us that. You may have noticed that our voters poll is still open and will be for the next 41 days. That is when we will know if the boys are welcoming a little sister or another little brother. What do you think?
Well people, until next time.
Sending lots of love!!!!
PS. we did get pictures of our ultrasound and if I can ever find them again I will be sure to post a few, if not in 41 days we will be getting a whack load of ultrasound pictures and those ones will be well worth the wait.