Monday, November 3, 2008

and to bring a close to September.

Mikhail moved into a big boy bed!!!! YAY, he absolutly loves it.

Lucian started his Gymnastics and he totally loves going. Brandon and I were doing a one week I take him one week daddy takes him plan at the beginning but when we do that he just knows he can mess around with us because we have know idea what he should be learning from the week before. So seeing as Brandon isn't around much we have turned him Gymnastics into Daddy and Lucian time!! They both love it.
Emma, Declan, Jess & DJ stopped by for a visit.

and this closes up September. As the months go by I get closer and closer to the month I should actually be posting for. LOL I am assuming that just before the baby arrives I will be right back on schedule, just to be bounced off it again with the new little beans arrival.

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