Time to decorate the front entrance. We love Halloween, it is one of our most favorite days and we like to go all out. Even though sadly, we never get as many kids to our house as we would like.

Brandon and Mikhail

Stacia and Lucian

Andrew, Corbin, Brandon, Lucian & Mikhail

Brandon and I
Mikhail was a puppy but he really didn't like it. 

Lucian loved being a dinosaur but his head kept getting in his way. When we were trick or treating Lucian's bag got way to heavy for him, what with all the pop people gave out, it got to the point where he would just get up to someones door and drop his bag in front of them and wait for them to do all the work for him. lol Halloween this year rocked, but I can't wait until next year when Kelly and I get to stay home and give out candy again!!
Did you mean that Lucian really wasnt into Halloween? LOL. :) Love ya girl.
LOL I guess I just have Christmas on the brain. I was posting blogs and getting all my Christmas cards out. LOL
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