Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday, +1, beautiful and a bean for us.

Yay it is gorgeous out today and I love it!! I might take Lucian for a little walk later if it is still nice out. Who knows though, when he gets up it is usually way to cold or dark. I had my ultrasound today and the lady freaked me out in the beginning by not being able to find anything at all!!!! Then she did an internal and found our little bean!!! YAY Although with the size it says that my due date would be the 26th of August which is not really what I wanted to hear! I hope baby comes right on time or a week early. I really don't want a September babe although I do love Sapphire!!!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Lucian is officially on milk!!! YAY!! And I tell you milk is so much easier that formula!!!! I hate formula!!! Hopefully with the next child breast feeding will be a go and the next one will actually latch on!!! Lucian was so not a breast man and was so lazy when it came to eating.
Yay for milk!!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Oh Monday

Well today is Monday and I don't really like Mondays. UPS sucks ass, as my guitar and amp have been shipped together since the 28th of December but for some reason they don't arrive together. I got my amp at 8:30 this morning but no guitar!! Fuckers. Anyway I was really looking forward to going to the gym today seeing as I didn't get to go all weekend and barely at all during the week! Sorry Kelly!!!!! Brandon has been super sick all weekend and I guess he deserves to sleep in a little today, I guess I should just be thankful that I am not sick. My uncle died so I also won't get to go to the gym most of this week. I have a doctor's appointment on the 10th and hopefully while everyone else is at my uncles funeral on the 11th I will be babysitting my little niece and Lucian and her can play! I guess if Brandon isn't too bad tomorrow that will be the only day this week I will get to go to the gym.

I guess if I wasn't so worried about Lucian getting that RPV or whatever it is that is going around madly then I could just take him to the spa lady day care but what with most the schools sending home notes about this and how bad it is becoming I would rather not chance it. I really would like to avoid any major sicknesses until Lucian is a least a year or older.
Lucian's birthday is coming up and I have nothing planned, I feel like a horrible mother but I just don't know many people that would come to a birthday party for him and I wouldn't want to have a lot of kids here where there is no room, I could just see it turning out really bad. So yeah I don't really know what to do. He is only a year, hopefully he won't hold it against me.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

You are making me so sick!

Oh little baby in my tummy, do you know how unbelieveably sick you are making me? I feel like death on a really bad day. I am sick almost all the time, everyday all day!!! Oh god please let me feel better little baby!!