Wednesday, October 24, 2007

and then

Lucian puts a big black rock up his nose!!!

Why oh why?? Oh what a boy!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Too Fast

Today I realize that Lucian is growing ever so much, each and every day. The time is flying by faster that I could imagine.
Case in point: yesterday he learned how to open all the doors in our house, he has been picking up at least one new word a day, some how he has become addicted to TV (he is always saying TV or Blues) and then tonight he learnt how to open the fridge. With what my friend Kelly has had to deal with so far, I am not looking forward to this stage.
In fact I am a little afraid and completely worried!

Mikhail is growing fast. Lucian and him are complete opposites. The only reason I have time to post online right now is because Mikhail has actually slept in a schedule for the last 4 days!! I think he is finally starting to get into the swing of things, he is finally setting his own little schedule. Last Monday was his first sleep in his crib, which is working out really great except for the fact that his bedroom is on the opposite side of the house. There I find myself jumping out of bed at four in the morning and racing across my in tire house to reach him before he starts screaming. Mikhail is a demanding feeder, when he wakes up in the morning he expects to already be fed.

We took the boys to see their Grandpa John (my dad) last weekend and things went great. Lucian was on his best behavior, that is until the last morning. We left before Grandpa really got to see too many of Lucian's true colors. LOL We all had a lot of fun and Dad and I made jerky and burgers while Brandon got some much needed rest with Mikhail.

This weekend we are all geared up to decorate for Halloween! Kelly and Andrew are going to come over on Halloween night and the men are going to take the boys out. This will be Lucian's first trick or treating event. He is going to be a little three eyed green monster and Mikhail is going to be a bumble bee. I have never ever given candy out on Halloween so this is a very exciting Halloween for me as well. I hope a lot of kids come to the house because we went a little overboard on the candy!

Well I am off to attempt to sew a baby wrap, to wrap up Mikhail and make my life all that much easier.

Going from one child to two is a definite shock to our systems.