Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Birthday Cake

Even though this is a bit late I thought I would post it anyway!


Friday, April 18, 2008

March Pictures.

Wow I am doing good. I got Feb and March pictures posted now!!!
Way to go Stacia.

Here is Lucian being a little man.

My mother covered in all her herd of animals.

Grandma loving

a scrap booking night

Mikhail visits Auntie Trina and my adopted family!!

Home Sweet Home! LOL at least it was in 1983.

One of the best pictures ever!

Mikhail and Lucian

Lucian loves Pants

Grandpa lovin

Easter weekend!!!

Lucian is pumping himself up. LOL he is such a funny little guy.

It was a bit cold but Lucian had a blast. He fell a few times but I think getting wet is all part of the enjoyment.

Hee hee can you tell these two are related?

On the way home.

Danielle and Adaira come to visit. Can you believe these two were born just days apart?? Adaira is a big girl. and so darn cute.

"OK I smiled, now give me the camera!"

Happy Birthday Dad!

Lucian loves prawns.

Lucian also loves going to Grandpa Johns because he gets to sleep on the cot.


Stacia and Bill, having a good night out on the town.

Damien and Auntie Cathy shaking their groove thing.

My little brother and I. You can tell I had been dancing for a while, I look like a tomato.
Well March was one of the busiest months so far. We went to my moms, Brandon's parents and to my Dads. By the end I was saying that I was never going to leave my house again. Even though it was worth every minute and I had a blast!! I am so happy when I get to travel a little bit. Even if it is only around my own province. LOL One day I will get to see more of the world I am sure but until the kids grow up Alberta is just as good as anywhere, right???
Now that it is getting quite late, I think I am going to head off to bed. I get to travel into the big city of Edmonton tomorrow and visit with my good friend Carolyne. I am so excited, I haven't seen her in almost three years.
Goodnight all!!!
Much Love

Thursday, April 17, 2008

OH NO so sad!!!!

Lucian's bed broke!!!! It is like a piece of scrap wood now!! This sucks so much!!! and the really bad part is that it is a matching set to Mikhail's, they make a bunk bed. Or they made a bunk bed.
so anyone want to get Lucian a new bed???
please! lol

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

February Pictures

Well we have been sick over here for a while now. It seems to just be rotating around the family and mutating each time. I have been sick twice now, I hope it is the last time. Brandon has been lucky and was really only sick for a day. Mikhail and I had the worst of it.

It is time I updated everyone with some pictures and I know I am seriously behind in my updates but within the next few days I am hoping to update you fully. Here are some February pictures! LOL updating February in April. Too Funny!


Corbin pulling Lucian on our sledding day. Lucian loved it so much he even wanted to continue when we all wanted to go home. He was sledding down the hill by himself at the end.

LOL I had Mikhail wrapped up in my jacket with me so I couldn't quite participate but Kelly is such a trooper!!

at one point Lucian spent a lot of time just falling down and rolling around.

the boys

Lucian likes to help out with the laundry, who am I do deny him.

Mikhail's first foods.

Time to switch out car seats!

Grandpa and the boys

Grandma and Lucian

Lucian is so darn cute!!

aww Mikhail is so adorable.

Kelly and I on my Birthday. I turned 7, and they still served me at the Calmar bar. Hee hee