Thursday, November 15, 2007

Video & Picture Blog

Mikhail and mommy
Lucian loves Mikhail very much. He is so proud to have a little brother.
Look at Mihail's right eye! He has a patch of brown in his blue.
Awww maybe little Mac should be a Patches instead.
Is there something in my teeth???
A day at the park.

Mihail at his best. You can actually see me in his eyes taking the picture.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Sick kids

Well we are sick over here! It seems Lucian caught something whilst he was out trick or treating. We had a dinner that we ended up missing on Saturday because Lucian and Mikhail were starting to show signs. Lucian now seems to be almost over it but Mikhail is taking it rough. Mikhail also had his 2 month old shots today and has had a fever ever since. He isn't eating much and throws up most of what he gets down and he seems irritated with me when I hold him? I am just hoping this is a quick heal for him and we will wake up tomorrow morning and everyone will be healthy. Now, all day it seems that I am going to be the next one to be sick.
I hope we didn't get my dad or Leigh sick they were here shortly this evening. Come over for a visit and adopt your very own version of viral infections.

I hate being sick.........

I pray Brandon doesn't get sick.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Not a first bath and not even taken on Halloween but it was so cute I couldn't miss it!!

This is Halloween!


Inside decorations .

Outside decorations


Stacia & Kelly


Well there it is.
Halloween was so great! I think it goes down in history as one of my most favorite days ever. We all had so much fun.

What an accomplishment, I baked 3 batches of cookies, cooked supper and posted on blogger 3 times all while taking care of my two beautiful little monsters. I never have the energy to do so much, it has been a crazy busy day today and now I think I am eat some supper and relax a bit before Moe's bath.

All but Halloween.

October 2007

Grandpa Johns.

Some much needed rest!

Yay Candy!


Grandpa Ross

Aunt and Uncle




Leigh meets Mikhail

Yay!! Two posts in one day! I'm on a roll people!
Lets hope I can get the Halloween post done too.

Cookies came out great today! Wish everyone was here to share them.
Miss you all.